Friday, January 22, 2010

From Karaoke Singer to a Professional Singing Career - What Are the First Steps?

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Karaoke Singing has become a massive pastime all around the world. It's your big chance to forget about the 9 to 5 and be a star for 3 minutes. Your adrenalin pumps, your heart races and the crowd go wild for you! But what if you could take it to the next level? What if you could actually quit your job and become a professional singer?

It's Friday night and you can feel the excitement growing. You've got home from work, called your friends and your all meeting at the karaoke bar. Your stereo system is blasting out and you're singing along to one of the many songs you know and thinking about which ones you are going to sing tonight.

15 minutes later you arrive at the karaoke bar by taxi, all your friends are there and the place is buzzing. The first karaoke singer performs their song. The audience gives the singer a huge round of applause and now it's your turn. You choose your song from one of the karaoke cds and blow them away with your favourite song. You love every minute of it and the crowd loves you too. There is nothing that comes close to this incredible feeling. For those 3 minutes you are the X Factor winner and these are your fans.

There are another 10 singers on before you can get your next fix. It seems like a lifetime but finally it's your turn again and once again you blow them away with your performance. Life doesn't get any better than this. An audience that loves you and you doing something you love. Before you know it though, the night is over, the bar is closing and it's time to go home. Back to reality and back to that 9 to 5 that you hate.

The alarm clock goes off and here we go its "Groundhog Day again!" And you start thinking to yourself, there has to be more to life than this mundane, monotonous same thing everyday 9 to 5 job that I'm stuck in. Well let me tell you there is.

Most people have a talent for something and you have a talent for singing. Why don't you use that talent and turn it into something that you can make a living from? (A very good living from if you do it right). This is something that you love doing as a hobby. Something that you do very well. So what is stopping you from taking that step and moving up to the next level? What is stopping you from becoming a professional singer?

I get lots of questions from young singers wondering how to begin a professional singing career and one of the major things that appears to be holding them back is that they quite simply don't know what to do to get started. They have learnt lots of songs that they blast out on karaoke but don't know what they should do next. Being able to sing well is a great place to start, but there is a lot more to becoming a professional singer than just being able to sing kareoke. This is where many would-be singers can get things very wrong and ruin their chances of actually making a proper living using their talent. They choose the wrong songs. They contact agents (and you will need to use agents), in completely the wrong way and loose any work they may have been offered. They promote the wrong image. The amount of different P.A. systems available can just confuse the heck out of you and you could end up with a complete turkey of a system!

The good news is that everything you need to know about how to become a professional singer can be learnt and there are basically 2 ways you can learn how.

1. Spend a long time trying to do it by yourself and learning by your own expensive mistakes or

2. Take the short cut and get help from someone who knows the business of live singing inside out and can save you years of frustration and wasted money.

I know which direction I would like to take. It's pretty much a no brainer really.

You have a natural talent as a karaoke singer and are in a job you hate. This natural talent for singing can get you out of your 9 to 5 job and by simply knowing the correct steps to take you can make this dream a reality. If you do it right you will find yourself in what I believe is one of the most fulfilling professions you could ever want to have. Do it wrong and you'll be stuck in that 9 to 5 job you hate! It's your choice.

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